Swimming school for beginners
Age: 4 years or older
Enrolment prerequisites:
- a child can swim breaststroke for 8-10 meters on its own
- a child is mentally adjusted to water
Child’s accomplishments at the end of the programme:
- able to independently jump into deep water and come out
- able to independently dive 60-120 cm into depth
- able to independently dive the distance of 3-5 m
- able to independently swim breaststroke for 25 m
- able to independently swim backstroke for 25 m
- able to float on water for 10 seconds
The programme includes 36 lessons; once a week
Lesson duration: 60 minutes: 10 minutes of dry land training + 50 minutes in the swimming pool
Mjesto i termin održavanja:
- SRC Mladost, Jarunska 5; subotom od 9 – 11 sati.
- BK Utrina, Kombolova 4; subotom od 8 – 9 sati
Cijena: 40€ mjesečno za 1 dolazak tjedno
In order to apply for the programme, fill in the Interest Form.
After you receive information on available places in the programme, you need to read GOLDEN RULES and CONTRAINDICATIONS and fill in the on-line APPLICATION FORM.
Golden Rules
Our liabilities towards you, requirements for participation in the programme, cancellation and rescheduling of lessons, alternative lessons, instructions for work at the swimming pool, information on SWIMTRAINERS and neoprene swimsuits, instructions on conduct on the swimming pool…
Sick swimmers bring pathogenic organisms into water. Therefore, swimmers are forbidden to enter the pool when suffering from diseases named in this document. The ban is applicable to familiar persons (parents, teachers…) accompanying swimmers in the pool.
All participants in the programme have to adhere to the rules on swimming pool gear.
Please come to the swimming pool 15 minutes before the programme starts.
What to take to the pool
Flat cloth diapers to change your baby on, nappy cream, towels for parents and the baby, shower gel, hair dryer, swim cap and pool shoes are only some of the items you should bring to the pool…
Swimming pool gear
Dear swimming pool users, due to hygienic and healthcare reasons wearing swim caps and other appropriate clothes is recommended. This document shows examples of clothes appropriate for swimming pools.
After completing the Swimming and playing programme, a child is ready to enrol into the swimming school of the Natator Swimming Club.